319-335 London Road

Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 4NG

The available premises comprise a self-contained triple suite arranged across the ground floor plus extensive basement. The property contains its own dedicated kitchen and WC. The accommodation provides open plan space, suitable for main retail/office plus storage in the cellar.


Type Retail Tenure Leasehold £21,500 Per Annum Location City Size 3020.00 Sq Ft ( 280.6 Sq M)


  • Ground Floor retail/office unit.
  • Prominent location.
  • Open plan layout.
  • Extensive basement store.
  • The property has an EPC of C (58). A copy of the EPC is available from the agent.
  • The property is to be let on a new full repairing (FRI) lease on terms to be agreed with a proportionate contribution for the upkeep of the fabric of