Business collaboration and establishing trader groups

Underpinning the whole of the ERF programme and local delivery is a principle of ‘collaboration’, between businesses and other local organisations on the high street, as well as between the Council and each ERF project team.

The requirement for projects to represent the views and priorities of high street businesses has encouraged broad and ongoing engagement between businesses in each area. This is unique and has, in several areas, created a legacy of connections between businesses and with the Council. Some groups have wanted to formalise their collaboration and give themselves a more formal standing for the future without ERF funding, by establishing Business Forum organisations with Articles of Association, Boards and bank accounts. Others have been happy using messaging and social media groups to keep communications going.

Each area has found a way of keeping in touch that works for them. It will always be a struggle to maintain groups like these when there isn’t funding giving momentum and direction, energising people into action. However, groups who persevere have a ready made platform to speak from and will be able to work with the Council more easily from a basis they can represent a broader set of views.

Stannington, Ecclesfield, Spital Hill Network, Woodhouse Traders Association, Abbeydale Traders Group, Broomhill Independent Traders Association, Page Hall Business Forum, Hillsborough Together, Crookes Collective, London Road Business Network.
