Parson House Outdoor Pursuits Centre

Parson House Outdoor Pursuit Centre is dedicated to providing a safe environment for outdoor activities to take place in. Their instructors are fully qualified and have a combined excellence in a number of outdoor activities with a great amount of practical experience in each of them. The outdoors can be dangerous, which is part of the attraction, so safety aspects are always emphasised.

So whether you are age 7 years or 77, you can enjoy our courses with confidence and a great deal of enjoyment.

Who can use Parson House OPC ?   Everyone; school, youth groups & organisations, Prince Trust, families & friends, Stage & Hen groups, children’s organisations, businesses, the centre is open for all.

Parson House is set in the heart of the Peak District National Park, on Burbage Moor. Surrounded by breath taking views and beautiful countryside the ideal place to participate in outdoor activities.
