Registration starts November 1

Set Reminder

Basic Bookkeeping and Cloud Accounting for Small Businesses

28 Jan 2025 13:00 - 16:00

Designed especially for new starts and young businesses, this session will take you through the basics behind bookkeeping and keeping accounts.

Hosted by Financial Advisor, Sarah Morton from of MGRW Accountants, the workshop will also look at the new ways available for storing information with guidance on cloud accounting software.

Please note: This workshop is hosted as a Zoom. You must have a computer, laptop or tablet with at least a 10” screen, and microphone and audio capabilities in order to access the Workshop. A camera/webcam is optional, but recommended. A free Zoom account is also required. Further instructions on how to access the event will be emailed to participants in advance.

**Please only sign up to one of our events if you are definitely planning to attend. Spaces are limited and we want to make sure the businesses that really want this support get it.

If you can’t make an event, it’s no problem as long as you let us know before the workshop. If you sign-up and don’t attend an event, we will contact you afterwards to check in and if this happens more than once, it will jeopardise your ability to sign up to future events.**

Registration starts November 1, set reminder 


Free but places must be booked. Registration starts November 1, set reminder.