Grenoside Pantomime Proudly Presents “Cinderella” at Grenoside Community Centre.
This year, their 49th panto, will the classic fairy tale of Cinderella. They throw in their usual mix of Grenoside comedy, songs and dances and, of course, some boo-able baddies and this year they have two very strange men in dresses, teaming up as Cinder’s ugly sisters.
This year their producers are Steve Atkinson and Tracey Blackburn. Their panto takes place in the heart of their village at Grenoside Community Centre on Main Street.
Refreshments will be available plus a licenced bar with beers from Bradfield Brewery.
£9.50/£7.50, family ticket (2+2) £29.00
To book, email or phone 07754 500874 after 10am and before 7pm please.
The2025 performance dates are:
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
All proceeds from their pantomime go towards the upkeep of Grenoside Community Centre.