Community Cycling Festival

04 Sep 2024 16:00 - 20:00

As part of the Tour of Britain 2024 festivities, Sheffield will host an evening community cycling festival. This free event is an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to develop their skills and find out more about cycling.

  • Have a go session: Simply turn up and have a go cycling on the 1km route on a variety of different bikes. Suitable for all ages and skill levels.
  • Learn to Ride sessions: Not confident riding a bike or would like some hints and tips to learn, the providers will be able to help build your confidence and skills on a bike.
  • Bike Maintenance Workshops: Learn basic bike repair and maintenance tips from local experts. Perfect for ensuring your bike is always road ready.
  • Refreshments and Entertainment: To create a family fun event there will be music and refreshments.