Earwig presents: Piss Kitti with Yutaniii + Gtfododge

05 Sep 2024 19:30

Piss Kitti

“They are a true reflection of what youth culture is like today: it’s gender-bending, it’s feminist, its ambiguous, it’s angry, it’s fun, it’s emotional, it’s art, it’s smart, it’s making a statement yet, not taking yourself too seriously, it’s about breaking rules to create a better future even if that isn’t intentional and it’s Piss Kitti who are taking the torch and running with it.”


"Five misfit-weirdos from Leeds with thousands of pounds of debt, buckets full of angst and a satisfaction for the mundane. Angular guitars, floor filling bass and thrashing drums, meet the euro pop synth you hate to love and the crazy, maniacal vocals of the town crier. Yutaniii’s newest set of releases will be getting beamed across the airwaves soon, transforming them into a more menacing beast"

Get The F**k Outta Dodge

"Inhabiting the scabby underbelly of the beast, Get The F**k Outta Dodge will cover you in the life of grime from their swamp degenerate Rock n Roll" 


£7.00 (more on the door)