Epilepsy Action Sheffield Branch Meeting

10 Oct 2024 19:15 - 20:45

The regular monthly meetings of the Sheffield Branch of Epilepsy Action are where people affected by epilepsy can meet, find mutual support and basic advice about epilepsy in a friendly group.

They also have informative talks on a range of topics both related to living with long term health conditions and of purely general interest on occasions.

There will be time to chat, individually or as a group, and ask questions if you wish about any aspect of living with epilepsy.

They are encouraging people to register through the links from the web page: www.epilepsy.org.uk/talk-and-support. There is no need to book and guests and new members are always welcome.

However, in the unlikely event that the room is full priority will be given to those who have already registered.

Epilepsy Action aim to provide an opportunity for people to discuss any concerns they have in a way they find comfortable.

You do not need to talk to the group, you can just chat one to one or even simply listen if you prefer.

In the Sheffield area, the local branch acts as a support group to people with epilepsy, their families and friends, as well as leading in informing and educating the public about the condition.

Their regular monthly meetings are also an opportunity to talk with volunteers and others affected by epilepsy.

The volunteers have been trained by Epilepsy Action to provide advice and information about many aspects of living with the condition, both as a patient and carer.

If they can’t answer a query directly they hope to be able to direct you to someone who can help you.

However, they cannot give medical advice – you will need to speak to your doctor, specialist nurse or consultant.

Through the meetings you can meet other people in a similar situation and compare experiences if you wish.

There is an opportunity to get involved in the work of the charity, if you wish.

Everybody is welcome who is affected by epilepsy, either directly or indirectly or just has an interest in the condition. 


Free, but a donation of £2 is suggested.

Additional Information

Epilepsy Action is the UK’s largest epilepsy membership organisation, aiming to support the 600,000 people across the country with the condition, as well as educating the wider public and helping to break down the stigma that still exists about epilepsy.

Epilepsy Action is a working name of British Epilepsy Association. British Epilepsy Association is a Registered Charity in England (No. 234343) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered in England No. 797997).

Registered Office: New Anstey House, Gate Way Drive, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7XY, United Kingdom

Main office: 0113 210 8800 epilepsy@epilepsy.org.uk www.epilepsy.org.uk

Helpline 0808 800 5050 helpline@epilepsy.org.uk

“We want to live in a society where everyone understands epilepsy and where attitudes towards people with epilepsy are based on fact not fiction”