A 2000-acre cluster of inventiveness that inspires the future of a £200 billion sector in the UK alone.

In a single sentence, that sums up the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District (AMID), which spans the border of Sheffield and neighbouring town of Rotherham, and was the first of its kind in the UK.

There are many cities and regions which talk about advanced manufacturing sites. Of course, China and the USA are the global superpowers, however, when it comes to cities which actually have the capabilities, facilities, talent, research, apprenticeship programmes and investment, ours is second to none.

AMID has been in place for over 10 years now and proudly hosts the European centres for many global firms in the aerospace, automobile, steel, life sciences and clean energy sectors. 

It's also at the centre of South Yorkshire’s Investment Zone (SYIZ) the UK's first, awarded in 2023, and is heralded by leading global experts as the exemplar of industry and academic collaboration - developing practical solutions for big challenges.

The Sheffield Innovation Spine is the next stage of our manufacturing and heavy industry journey, which will expand the SYIZ into Sheffield City Centre. It reflects the growing presence of complementary urban start-ups and scale ups, increasingly connected through technology, supply chains and growth opportunities.

Working in partnership with leaders of industry, business at all stages of development, investors, universities, research institutions, and national, regional, and local government - Sheffield truly is a city which is inspiring this incredibly important, multi-disciplinary approach to applied innovation and modern manufacturing.

The map above shows the geographical relationship between the South Yorkshire Investment Zone (black), Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District (red) and the Sheffield Innovation Spine (yellow).

The AMRC in a nutshell

A short video outlining what The University of Sheffield's Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) is all about - including it's impact and purpose.

What goes around comes around

You can go right back to the 12th Century and find archaeological evidence showing Sheffield has always been a city of makers, but city's story of inspiring change through manufacturing really begins to be told with Benjamin Hunstman.

Huntsman discovered the crucible process of making larger amounts of high quality, high strength steel in the 18th Century, shortly before Thomas Boulsolver also discovered Sheffield Plate, which both resulted in the rapid expansion of trade. 

Around 100 years later, Henry Bessemer then invented the Bessemer Converter in the mid 19th century, which can still be seen in grand scale at Kelham Island Museum to this day. Once again, this innovation had significant economic effects on the manufacturing trade across the world. 

Harry Brearley
image of Harry Brearley from Joined Up Heritage Sheffield

Sheffield metallurgist, Harry Brearley's discovering of stainless steel in the 20th century, then changed the landscape once again, with one of the biggest products of manufacturing since the industrial revolution.

Immediate gains saw an expansion of the city's traditional cutlery trade and brought affordable cutlery to the masses, but the legacy is far greater with stainless steel considered one of the most important inventions in history and continues to be used the world over in unlimited ways.

Locations, processes, and market demand have all changed since then - and, as is well documented in section 2.2 of this European Bank report, the de-industrialisation of European cities led to hardship, unemployment, and population decline.

The ensuing regeneration of many cities has created new economies, which is of course true of Sheffield as well. However, what hasn't changed here - for the good - is the attitude and acquired knowledge base of the people, as well as the infrastructure to provide the best facilities in the creation of a more modern form of manufacturing.

The custom built, highly technical commissions involving engineering and construction, through to the extreme precision and light-weighting materials research and product creation are all made possible in Sheffield now, thanks to what came before.

And so, once again, Sheffield is inspiring new ways of making, moving, adapting and shaping the industrial requirements of the modern world in this incredibly high value sector.

The retracting pitch at Tottenham Hotspur FC's ground. The technology that made it possible was was created by Sheffield business SCX.

Sheffield inspires talent: now and next

Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Formula 1...  some of the most cutting-edge work you'll find happening here is also contributing to advances in industry, which are taking place at an incredibly fast pace of change.

Another thing you'll also find, is that Sheffield is inspiring the next generation of manufacturers, engineers, and industry leaders.

The University of Sheffield AMRC Training Centre has its own state-of-the-art, industry-standard facilities to cater specifically for apprenticeships, which prepare students for careers in engineering and manufacturing.

Creating jobs and driving value back into our local economy is crucial for Sheffield as a city, as it allows growing businesses to continue developing here and inspire the sector around the world, even further.

Made in Sheffield and The Company of Cutlers

The Made in Sheffield mark is a unique mark of origin and quality applied to products that are manufactured here (and has even been extended to some cultural exports too!). It is convened and overseen by a number of city stakeholders, including the Council and Chamber of Commerce, and has even registered "Sheffield" as a trademark in many foreign countries to ensure that it could not be used on any other products.

Playing a huge role in all things Made in Sheffield, and the continued evolution of Sheffield's steel and manufacturing past and present, is the Company of Cutlers, who were established by a Parliamentary Act in 1624. They preside over the impressive Cutlers Hall as well as a huge body of impressive artefacts of industry, and work as a body representing the manufacturing businesses (and heritage) of the city.

Precision and expertise

McLaren are one of the major companies that chose to base elements of their production within the Advanced Manufacturing Park within the Innovation District and this video explains why.

Sector breadth - manufacturing, engineering, & tech


Special Melted Products are one of the oldest steelmakers in the city - but that doesn't mean they're stuck in the past. Their new Project Vulcan initiative is looking to create the UK's first 10,000 tonne superalloy press forge facility, which would directly benefit the aerospace and energy sectors with a better supply chain to advanced materials that can currently only be imported.

SMP website


An engineering firm with a huge history in the city, SCX are the reason that Wimbledon are able to have their retracting roof, and that Tottenham Hotspur's stadium can host the NFL in London thanks to the retracting pitch. They are just a couple of examples of their expertise in action, but it's safe to say that global sports are reaping the benefits of Sheffield's specialist knowledge and application.

SCX website


A spin-out of the University of Sheffield AMRC, FourJaw are a tech company specialising in the manufacturing sector and are a shining example of how Sheffield’s strengths – digital technology and manufacturing – can help achieve the region’s ambitious jobs-led recovery plan, through the creation of good, high-value jobs.

FourJaw site

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