So much happens in Sheffield every week! This is our comprehensive event listing page for every single event that gets submitted to our website, from small workshops and community events to international sporting fixtures and citywide festivals.
So if you're looking for something specific, please use the filter tags and date search below, to narrow the event listings for what you'd really like to see/find. Alternatively, visit our What's On page for seasonal highlights and roundups of the bigger events happening in Sheffield.
Every March, as the days are getting longer, drier, and warmer in Sheffield, we celebrate what it means to be The Outdoor City, by hosting the Festival of the Outdoors.
You'll find everything from large-scale international sporting events to small community gatherings; from guided walks to some of the worlds hardest bouldering problems; outdoor markets to film festivals.
Check out the festival programme so far, with more to be announced...
More infoCome and spend some time outside at our beautiful new outdoor learning space, learn some new skills and help us get it ready for school visits!
A celebration of the Routes to Roots exhibition on South Asian heritage
Are you expecting a baby or recently had one? Come and find out about all the support available to you in Sheffield.
Chuckles for Charity are so excited to introduce their brand new comedy night.
MOBOLISE: An exciting gathering of minds getting ahead with AI to spark breakthrough innovation. Thrive in your career!
Fire, food, and adventure—outdoor cooking designed for people with additional support needs!
Direct from the West End and having sold out venues worldwide, Seven Drunken Nights-The Story of the Dubliners returns to theatres in 2025.
Thursday 20 March: A short, circular guided walk led by local historian, Les Seaman.
Come along for some practical hands-on conservation work at Blacka Moor on Thursday 20 March.
Toxic is the story of two queer people who, in their own words, ‘meet, fall in love and f*ck it up.’ Written in Nathaniel’s unmistakeable heart-breaking and hilarious style, the play is a rollercoaster ride through their tumultuous and passionate relationship as they struggle to tame the ghosts of their pasts.